God Needs You To Lead.

God has commanded His disciples to impact nations. This means every disciple of Christ has a leadership mandate on their life and should be demonstrating godly leadership. This guidebook is filled with principles and methods for implementing leadership modeled by Jesus Christ. You will be challenged to look at the inner you, because self-leadership is the basis for all leadership. When applied, these simple principles will change your life. God has designed you to lead.
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about the book
God wants to develop you into a better representation of him. I believe self-leadership is the basis for all leadership, so your personal development is crucial. God wants more Christian leaders to impact lives and influence culture. He has designed the church, his people, to lead. You are challenged to look at the inner you. The focus is not about things leaders need to “do” but on how to “be.” In this training manual you will find answers to what godly leadership is, learn solid biblical values, and discover thought-provoking lessons to apply to your life now. Do not put off your growth any longer. This book will transform your life.
DR. Bodden
Dr. Rickardo Bodden serves as a leadership consultant, chief operating officer, mentor, and associate pastor. He has an earned doctorate from Regent University in Strategic Leadership Studies, a Master of Arts from Bellevue University in the Psychology of Leadership, and a Bachelor of Science from Florida International University in Mass Communication. Prior to his current positions, Dr. Bodden served in the U.S. Air Force in several Public Relations and Communication leadership roles.
As a corporate communication professional, he led teams in accomplishing organizational goals through employee communication, reputation management, crisis response communication, media, and community engagement. All of his experiences have helped create his personal philosophy; self-leadership is the basis for all leadership. Dr. Bodden continues to mentor, coach, and develop people. His passion is to see people grow beyond personal limitations to be the leader God has ordained.